Friday 9 January 2009

Weight of the World 2: Early days

Jan 9th
There's always low hanging fruit, not that I get my five portions a day.

The first week has gone well- down from 130.4 to 128.6 kilos. Weighed on the same (zeroed and accurate) scales at same time of day in same clothes blah blah.

To what do I ascribe my fantastic weight loss? Starvation since Wednesday? Cutting out all pizza etc?

No, I ascribe it to having gone to the gym and done a minimum of an hour (sometimes closer to two) on the stepper literally every day.

That's unsustainable in the long term (but great for getting through copies of the Financial Times and Capitalism Nature Socialism, Monthly Review etc.)

Oh, and I hadn't been doing any upper-body, which I've just now done, so some of that loss may have been from atrophy of pecs and deltoids etc.

So, an uniequivocal success so far.

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