Thursday 15 January 2009

24 hours a-twitter

First thanks to Tim Difford for patient coaxing above and
beyond the call of duty to get me close enough to Twitter
so that Chi-Chi Ekweozor could deliver the coup de grace
at the Social Media event last night.

I came home and got going, following TD's rule for
world domination.

And made a photo using, "Paint".

And didn't Read the Effing Manual. So sent direct messages
out as updates, having already widgetted the
Manchester Climate Fortnightly blog.

So now everyone knows the names of my cats. Well, my
wife's cats technically.

What impressions?

140 characters imposes a pitch-perfect level of discipline.
Can anyone tell me whether this was accident or design?
Did the Twitter-meisters tool around with different lengths,
or was it serendipity, like SMS itself?

It's patently addictive.

It could easily be my number one time blackhole, the way
Scrabulous was six months ago.

It is going to have very interesting effects on how people
communicate with each other.

[Ed: that's enough banalities for now]


Anonymous said...

Twitter character length is the same as sms so that it allows messages to be sent to and from mobile phones in one text and it was free. You can still do this in USA but it was stopped last August in the UK because we have a different message charging structure and Twitter said it was losing $1,000 per user/year in the UK if people received 250 SMS messages per week. It's a pity because it was quite a handy feature

Sarah Irving said...

"It could easily be my number one time blackhole"
It had better not be.
Wifey (the one with the cats)